Gas Automat One

Tourist Attraction Bangtao, Phuket, Thailand

Gas Automat One in Bangtao is just 19 km (or 34 minutes) away from Bismarcks Paradise Phuket luxury villas resort.

Gas Automat One in Bangtao.

Gas Automat One

Gas Automat One Information

  • Distance From Bismarcks Paradise:19 km (34) minutes
  • Distance From Central Phuket:25 km (45) minutes
      • TAGS:   
Gas Automat One
Gas Automat One in Bangtao.
PKT Bangtao

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Gas Automat Two

Gas Automat Two in Bangtao

Gas Automat One

Gas Automat One in Bangtao.

Bangtao Gas Station2

Bangtao Gas Station2: Bangtao Gas Station2 is another Gas station. it is 1 hour longer open.

Bangtao Gas Station1

Bangtao Gas Station1: Bangtao Gas Station1 is located  on the street from Cherngtalay to Surin.