Thalang Police Station

Tourist Attraction Thalang, Phuket, Thailand

Thalang Police Station in Thalang is just 9.7 km (or 15 minutes) away from Bismarcks Paradise Phuket luxury villas resort.

The Thalang Police station is part of the provincial police.

Thalang Police Station

Thalang Police Station Information

  • Distance From Bismarcks Paradise:9.7 km (15) minutes
  • Distance From Central Phuket:18.6 km (27) minutes
  • Address:158 402 Tambon Thep Kasattri, Thalang, Phuket 83110
  • Telephone:076 311 123
  • Facebook:Facebook from Thalang Police Station
Thalang Police Station
The Thalang Police station is part of the provincial police.
PKT Thalang

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Thalang Police Station

The Thalang Police station is part of the provincial police.